Okay, first things first.... if you are wanting to join us on this journey of hope, health, and healing, please go ahead and sign up for the Country Music Half Marathon. If you have never participated in an event like this, don't get freaked out by the price. Yes, it is cheaper the earlier you sign up, but honestly... by the time race day comes around, you won't even remember/care.
Next up, the training plan. We will be glad to assist you with this, or you can just check out the calendar we have on this blog, and it will keep you up to date on workouts, runs, etc. Are you feeling overwhelmed yet? I hope not.
Third is nutrition. Yes, this is vital to being able to perform your best on April 30. Whether you are a walker, runner, jogger, or crawler... this is still going to be an important part of successfully completing the race. Stay tuned for nutrition tips, recipes, dos & don'ts, etc.
Other than that... get out and get moving!
For those of you who want to support us and more importantly, Sara, in this, please continue to check in with us here to see what is going on and what you can do to help. What can anybody do? Pray. Continue to pray for strength, understanding, peace, and comfort for the Walker and Pigg families.