Friday, February 25, 2011

Take a Moment to Savor

Today I am inspired... yet again.  There are days when I [and most of you I'm sure] feel overwhelmed and just incredibly busy.  I find myself occasionally making excuses for not going to the gym, for cutting my run a little short, and even sometimes not returning phone calls.  Why?  Because I'm tired.  Full-time teaching art at an elementary school, while fun and exciting, can be an energy zapper.  Most of us feel that way at times.  Today I am inspired.  And I am so thankful for it!  During my planning period this morning I took a moment to check my email, and found a "journal update" from dear Sara.  Today she has reminded me to savor.  My daily schedule and what I consider "battles" sometimes are very small in comparison to the journey she is facing.  Yet she savors even the small moments in her day.  

Today I am inspired... to SAVOR!  I will make a conscious effort to not sweat the small stuff, to quit making excuses just because I'm tired, and to do a better job of returning phone calls and messages from those dear to me.  I will SAVOR those relationships, I will SAVOR the fact that I have been blessed with the ability to run, and I will SAVOR the beautiful day God has given me. 

I hope today you will be inspired.  Please comment and share how you are inspired and what it is you want to savor more.  And if you have not had a chance to read Sara's journal of her daily walk, I encourage you to do so!

Have a wonderful day!

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